Palmén Colloquium

The purpose of the Geographical Society of Finland is to bring all those interested in geographical questions together, share ideas and have a feeling of a geographical community. The Geography Days, hosted by the University of Eastern Finland this year, is a great occasion that brings the national geographical community together.

The Palmén Colloquium of the Geographical Society of Finland affords occasions to present and discuss fresh and contemporary research for a broad geographical crowd. Open to all, the colloquium intends to both promote geographic research and proliferate interaction within Geography. The hybrid-form colloquium is hosted by the Geographical Society of Finland and the University of Helsinki. The colloquium can also be organized in other universities.

The name for the colloquium comes from J.A. Palmén, who helped to establish the Geographical Society of Finland in 1888. For Palmén, geography was the science that summoned different disciplines together and for whom space was a bundle of interactions of different processes. Palmén was a leading ornithologist and a biologist curious of all things living, always looking to the horizon, and pushing geographers to make connections. In addition, Johan Axel, was the subject of the Society’s first medal.

Historically the Society held meetings on Friday afternoons. Following this tradition, the colloquium will be held mainly on Friday lunchtime at 1pm. In Spring 2024 the colloquium will be held in 22 MARCH, 8 MAY (wednesday) and 31 MAY. The society will open the call for Autumn 2024 presentations after MAY 1. 

We invite all geographers and people interested in geography to take part in this hybrid colloquium either online, or when the occasion comes live. 


Location for live meeting and online will be published closer to events with abstracts here.


Schedule Spring 2025

Siviilikriisinhallinnan perspektiivi Euroopan unionin geopoliittiseen toimijuuteen


Pe 17.1.2025 klo 14:00-15:00

Euroopan unionin ulkoinen kriisinhallinta ja erityisesti siviilikriisinhallinta elävät pitkäaikaisesta murroskautta. Kasvaneet kansainväliset jännitteet ja kansainvälisen järjestelmän epävakaistuminen ovat haastaneet EUn kriisinhallintapolitiikan alkuperäistä tavoitetta kansainvälistä vakautta edistävien rauhanoperaatioiden toimeenpanevana instrumenttina. Merkittäviä geopoliittisia käännepisteitä ovat olleet erityisesti vuosien 2014-2016 pakolaiskriisi ja Venäjän agressiot naapurimaitaan kohtaan vuosina 2008, 2014 ja 2022. Myös Unionin itälaajentuminen vuosina 2004-2013 on vaikuttanut rakenteellisesti kriisinhallinnan päätöksenteon ja ohjaamispolitiikan painotuksiin, sillä laajentumisen jälkeisen Unionin jäsenmaiden turvallissuusintressit eroavat selvemmin. Muutokset Unionin jäsenmaiden yhteisessä tahtotilassa ja kriisinhallintaa ohjaavassa geopoliittisessa mielikuvituksessa ilmenevät siviilikriisinhallintaoperaatioiden maantieteellisen painotuksen supistumisessa euroopan lähialueille, sekä operaatioiden tavoitteiden asettelun kohdistumisessa turvallisuussektoriin. Kriisinhallintaa ohjaavat rakenteet ja operaatioiden mandaatit ovat kääntyneet tukemaan vahvemmin Unionin omaa turvallisuutta. Siviilikriisinhallinnan kehityskulku kyseenalaistaa Unionin esitetyn tahtotilan vahvemmasta geopoliittisesta roolista.

Ville Savoranta, Policy officer, Euroopan ulkosuhdehallinto/European External Action Service (EEAS)


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Art and empathy in the classroom – decolonizing climate mobility education in primary schools

Friday 21 FEB 2025, 1 pm – 2 pm


I would like to welcome researchers, teacher educators and teachers to discuss climate change education in primary schools. In this talk, I will argue why climate mobilities education should be included in the Finnish (and other) primary school curriculum (Kallio et al. 2023). And how art-based methods and decolonizing empathy would fit into this education. We have conducted ethnographic research in Finnish and Greek primary schools with 4th grade students in the spring of 2024. We tested different kinds of art-based methods and teaching materials to learn more about learning in primary school climate mobilities education. This talk will present some of our results with the art created during our interventions in multi-cultural classes.

We have learned that multimodal arts-based methods provide opportunities for children to engage, focus, and work with agency on issues that might otherwise seem distant, abstract, or challenging. Practicing empathy for the absent others elsewhere in the world offers opportunities for empathetic engagement in the classroom as well. Decolonizing our understanding of the world for a more relational understanding of our own positionalities challenges the "us" and "them" positions often taken.

Children are exposed to the topic and phenomena of climate change even before it is discussed in school. Some of them may have already experienced forced mobility. This educational pilot, which combines different subjects and methods, opens up possibilities for understanding the complexities of human relations as well as human-environment relations. Our observations support the benefits of bringing climate mobility education into primary schools in order to learn to live with climate mobilities.

Dr. Vilhelmiina Vainikka, HUMANE-CLIMATE -project, Faculty of Education and Culture, Tampere University


Live at Tieteiden talo, room BORG. Also in Teams (link below)


The Palmén colloquium is an event organized by the Geographical Society of Finland –



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Code: cZ3nT9jw